
Food Safari: Moments in a Bottle

A Spoonful of Turmeric

Those of you who know me are well aware that I am not a follower of trends – of any kind! But, for once, I’m well in there as turmeric is the new trend - everyone is ...

My happy homemade harissa!

Like a true hermit, it’s not often I come out of my shell and do some live cooking – although I have an inkling it is going to become a ‘thing’ in the future – ...

Gold and Laidback Laksa

February 2017 There are some cultural traditions that make a lot of sense. For example, if you get married in countries like Turkey, the Middle East, parts of Africa, ...

Blog: The Original Spice Girl

 My interest in spices is not solely related to food – their medicinal and cultural uses are just as important. For over 30 years, I have researched and written about ...

The Original Spice Girl: Spice Blog

Food Safari: The Circle of Life

November 2016 I’m sitting in a private hospital in Glasgow while my daughter is in the theatre having surgery.  She has had a long frustrating haul with a ski ...

The Language of Food: Turkey

May 2016 I get a buzz from learning languages and make a point of it when I travel. The fact that I am even trying to pronounce words opens many doors and makes people ...